With all this extra time off from work, school and university, what are we going to do with it? I know! Pick me, pick me! GAME!
Yes, we are going to game. A gold star for you.
However, not all games consume as much of our time as others, as the campaign may be short and we are left longing for more.
While we may be fully engrossed by those games, when they end, we are left twiddling our thumbs – and not on our brand new thumb grips which we got for Christmas!
So, we have found three games which we think will keep you occupied throughout the festive season, without the need for more once they are ‘done’ – because they never really end:
– FIFA 18
There are few games out there with the longevity of each FIFA release. Yes, you buy a new one every year, but that fact that no two matches are the same means that you can jam this game non-stop over the festive season. You can also play online or with your mates in person, so the possibilities are almost endless. Well, they are not quite endless, but you know what we mean.
Yes, GTA V is old now, but it is still relevant. With new online modes coming out fairly often, and so much to explore in the single-player campaign’s open world, maybe this festive season will afford you the chance to finish the game 100%? We can guarantee that there are spots you are yet to discover and naughty things to do. Go on then, smash some GTA V!
– DOTA 2
Our Pro 16 League may have ended, but the DOTA 2 action never does. The addictive game still holds a plethora of opportunities for you and will no doubt be smashed big time over the festive season. So get on that PC and gank the s**t out of your opponents!