Join us as we take a trip down memory lane and look back at the very first game in the FIFA franchise.
Name: FIFA International Soccer
Genre: Sports
Release Date: 1993
Developer: Extended Play Productions
Publisher: EA Sports
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What was it all about?
‘FIFA International Soccer’ was the very first game in the FIFA franchise (‘FIFA 18’ is releasing this week, the 25th game of the franchise), although nobody knew at the time that football video games would take off like they did.
Looking back at the game now, it was very basic in its mechanics, but great fun to play. The game played out from an isometric viewpoint, which was unheard of as previous football games utilised birds-eye view and top-down viewpoints.
Only international sides were playable, while four game modes were available to choose from – Exhibition, Tournament, Play-Offs, and League. ‘FIFA International Soccer’ did not have any licences back then, so all players were fictional, with a few being named after the guys who worked on the game.
The graphics were not bad for the time, although the running style of players made for a good chuckle during matches. It is amazing to think back to ‘FIFA International Soccer’ while looking at what we have available to us today. Technology, hey?
Best part about the game?
It was just a fun game to play. Football has also been a massive sport, so to have a game like ‘FIFA International Soccer’ at the time was great for those of us first getting into ‘computer gaming’.
If one best bit was to be picked, it would have to be the cheat where you stood your striker in front of the goalkeeper. The keeper, with ball in hand, would then attempt to clear the ball, but would kick it straight into your player, creating an easy goalscoring opportunity. Once my mates and I figured out the cheat, we made a pact to refrain from doing the ‘move’ – although some of us still did in tight matches.
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The game in pictures…