Join us as we take a trip down memory lane and deliver some newspapers with ‘Paperboy’.

Name: Paperboy
Genre: Action arcade game
Release Date: 1985
Developer: Atari Games
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What was it all about?
Well, the clue is in the title. Gamers took control of a paperboy who had to, you guessed it, deliver ‘The Daily Sun’ newspaper.
While it may sound quite straightforward, it was anything but, as obstacles conspired to make life difficult for our dear paperboy. Skateboarders, stray tyres and lawnmowers, and angry residents were just some of the things you needed to avoid to make a success of your paper route.
The game spanned over seven levels, one for every day of the week, and had three difficulty settings – ‘Easy Street’, ‘Middle Road’, and ‘Hard Way’.
As is the case with most games, the further you worked your way into ‘Paperboy’ – or the days of the week, the harder things got.
It was a true test of being able to avoid obstacles and time your throws correctly – so you needed to be fully focused on the task and obstacles to get through the game.
I remember playing the game on my computer back in the day, but it was also a massive hit down at the arcade. I also went on to deliver newspapers in real life, which I must admit was a lot easier than playing this game.
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Best part about the game?
The adrenaline rush of trying to avoid obstacles and nail your deliveries was rather hectic. Panic would often set in as you progressed in the game and things got tougher.
Many games at the time required gamers to focus on one aspect and end goal, but ‘Paperboy’ ensured you gave everything of your concentration, which made the game a real challenge to complete.
It was just a lot of fun to play and taught a lot of people how to improve their hand-eye coordination. Who said games never taught us anything?
Oh, and a shoutout to the Grim Reaper – you never got me!